Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 Chia động từ trong ngoặc . Chuyển sang câu phủ định và câu hỏi. PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE 1. She (go)...
Câu hỏi :

Chia động từ trong ngoặc . Chuyển sang câu phủ định và câu hỏi.


Chia động từ trong ngoặc . Chuyển sang câu phủ định và câu hỏi. PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE 1. She (go) to school every day. 11. Tom (play) soccer with his frie

Lời giải 1 :

Công thức thì HTĐ (V: thường)

S số ít, he, she, it 

(+) S + Vs/es

(-) S+ doesn't + V1 

(?) Does +S +V1?

S số nhiều, I, you, we, they

(+) S + V1 

(-) S+ don't + V1 

(?) Do + S+ V1? 

DHNB: always, usually, sometimes, often, never, seldom,....


1. goes 

(-) She doesn't go to school every day.

(?) Does she go to school every day?

2. play 

(-) They don't play basketball in the park on Saturdays.

(?) Do they play basketball in the park on Saturdays?

3. drinks

(-) He doesn't drink coffee in the morning.

(?) Does he drink coffee in the morning?

4. watch

(-) I don't watch TV in the evening.

(?) Do you watch TV in the evening?

5. have 

(-) We don't have dinner at 7 o'clock.

(?) Do you have dinner at 7 o'clock?

6. sleeps

(-) The cat doesn't sleep on the sofa.

(?) Does the cat sleep on the sofa?

7. works 

(-) Sarah doesn't work as a teacher.

(?) Does Sarah work as a teacher?

8. bark 

(-) Dogs don't bark loudly at night.

(?) Do dogs bark loudly at night?

9. live 

(-) My parents don't live in a big house.

(?) Do your parents live in a big house?

10. rises 

(-) The sun doesn't rise in the east.

(?) Does the sun rise in the east?

11. plays 

(-) Tom doesn't play soccer with his friends after school.

(?) Does Tom play soccer with his friends after school?

12. reads

(-) Maria doesn't read a book every night before bed.

(?) Does Maria read a book every night before bed?

13. eat 

(-) We don't eat lunch at noon.

(?) Do you eat lunch at noon?

14. sing 

(-) The birds don't sing in the morning.

(?) Do the birds sing in the morning?

15. listens 

(-) My sister doesn't listen to music in her room.

(?) Does your sister listen to music in her room?

16. studies

(-) Jack doesn't study English on Mondays.

(?) Does Jack study English on Mondays?

17. arrives 

(-) The train doesn't arrive at 9 o'clock every morning.

(?) Does the train arrive at 9 o'clock every morning?

18. teaches 

(-) The teacher doesn't teach math in the afternoon.

(?) Does the teacher teach math in the afternoon?

19. brushes

(-) He doesn't brush his teeth before going to bed.

(?) Does he brush his teeth before going to bed?

20. visit 

(-) They don't visit their grandparents every weekend.

(?) Do they visit their grandparents every weekend?


Bạn có biết?

Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu. Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ phổ biến nhất trên thế giới, được sử dụng rộng rãi trong giao tiếp quốc tế, kinh doanh và khoa học. Hãy chăm chỉ học tiếng Anh để mở rộng cánh cửa đến với thế giới!

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Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

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