Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 17. "Are these your books?" she asked me She asked me if they was. 18. Are they paniting your room?"...
Câu hỏi :

Cần gấp giúp với m ơii


17. "Are these your books?" she asked me She asked me if they was. 18. Are they paniting your room?" she asked She asked.... ...they was pointing my room..

Lời giải 1 :

`17` . She asked me if those were my books.

`18` . She asked if they were painting my room.

`19` . I asked her if there was any water in the fridge.

`20` . She asked if I liked visiting that place again.

`21` . She asked if the house would be large if she moved the chair to the place.

`22` . She asked me if I was waiting for her.

`23` . He asked if I would tell the truth.

`24` . He asked her if she could paint the wall.

`25` . He asked me if her health would be worse if she were not a ware of it.

`26` .She asked me if my students were good at Maths.

`27` . She asked me if they walked to school.

`28` . She asked me if he would refuse to accept her.

`29` .She asked me if those were good books for me.

`30` .I asked him if it would rain tomorrow.


Cấu trúc chung của  câu gián tiếp :

Lời giải 2 :

`17.` She asked me if those were my books.

`-` these are `->` those were

`18.` She asked if they were painting my room.

`-` HTTD `->` QKTD:

`(+)` S `+` am/is/are `+` V_ing `+` O

`19.` I asked her if there was some water in the fridge.

`-` there is `->` there was

`20.` She asked if I liked visiting that place again.

`-` HTĐ `->` QKĐ:

`(+)` S `+` V_ed/V2 `+` O

`-` this `->` that

`21.` She asked if the house would be large if she moved the chair to the place.

`-` If loại 1 `->` If loại 2

`@` If `+` S `+` V_ed/V2, S `+` would `+` V_inf

`@` S `+` would `+` V_inf `+` if `+` S `+` V_ed/V2

`22.` She asked me if I was waiting for her.

`-` HTTD `->` QKTD

`23.` He asked if I would tell the truth.

`-` TLĐ ( will ) `->` would

`(+)` S `+` would `+` V_inf `+` O

`24.` He asked her if she could paint the wall.

`-` can `->` could

`(+)` S `+` could `+` V_inf `+` O

`25.` He asked me if her health would be worse if she were not a ware of it.

`-` If loại 1 `->` If loại 2

`26.` She asked me if my students were good at Maths.

`-` HTĐ `->` QKĐ:

`(+)` S `+` was/were `+` adj/...

`27.` She asked me if they walked to school.

`-` HTĐ `->` QKĐ

`28.` She asked me if he would refuse to accept her.

`-` TLĐ ( will ) `->` would

`29.` She asked me if they were good books for me.

`-` HTĐ `->` QKĐ

`30.` I asked him if it would rain the following day.

`-` TLĐ ( will ) `->` would

`-` tomorrow `->` the following day/ the next day/ the day after


`-` Câu tường thuật dạng Yes/No question(s):

`@` S `+` asked ( `+` O ) / wanted to know / wondered `+` if/whether `+` S `+` V ( lùi thì ) 

Bạn có biết?

Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu. Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ phổ biến nhất trên thế giới, được sử dụng rộng rãi trong giao tiếp quốc tế, kinh doanh và khoa học. Hãy chăm chỉ học tiếng Anh để mở rộng cánh cửa đến với thế giới!

Nguồn :

Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

Tâm sự lớp 8

Lớp 8 - Năm thứ ba ở cấp trung học cơ sở, học tập bắt đầu nặng dần và sang năm lại là năm cuối cấp, áp lực lớn dần. Hãy chú ý đến sức khỏe, cân bằng giữa học và nghỉ ngơi để đạt hiệu quả tốt nhất!

Nguồn :

sưu tập

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