Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Many students find that study at university or college is harder than study at high school. Why does it happen?...
Câu hỏi :

Many students find that study at university or college is harder than study at high school. Why does it happen? How to solve this problem?

Viết mở bài cho essay này hộ tớ với. Ielts ạ

Lời giải 1 :

`\color{#145277}{N}\color{#246483}{a}\color{#34768F} {e}\color{#44889B}{u}\color{#539AA7}{n}`

One of the hottest topic many human beings are concerned about now is the differences between studying at university and studying at high school. A number of student think that it is much harder for them to study at college or university than at high school. In this essay, some possible causes of this matter should be found out, and some solutions will be provided.

Lời giải 2 :

The transition from school to university presents a formidable challenge for many students. This essay will explain why this is the case and then suggest several measures to overcome these difficulties.

This shift in academic rigour can be attributed to several key factors. Chief among these is that university courses are characterized by a greater depth of knowledge and a faster pace of learning compared to school. This demands a higher level of

critical thinking, independent research, and analytical skills

, all of which freshmen may severely lack. Another contributing factor is the

newfound independence that comes with university life

. Unlike school, where there is often

a structured timetable

and close monitoring by teachers and parents, university students are expected to manage their own time, which can be

a daunting task

for those

unaccustomed to

this level of autonomy.

To address this issue,

higher education institutions


adopt a range of strategies

. One such approach is

the implementation of comprehensive orientation programs

designed to equip incoming students with

essential study competencies

, effective time management strategies, and awareness of available campus resources. Additionally, by creating smaller tutorial groups within larger classes, these institutes could provide students with a more conducive environment for asking questions and

seeking clarification

. Moreover, universities should promote

a culture of open communication

between professors and students, encouraging them to seek help when needed.

In conclusion, the transition from high schools to

tertiary education

poses a significant academic challenge

for students due to the differences in terms of curricula and greater independence required. By initiating specialized orientation programs,

cultivating smaller learning communities

, and

advocating open channels of communication

, universities can help students overcome these challenges and thrive in their academic pursuits.

Bạn có biết?

Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu. Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ phổ biến nhất trên thế giới, được sử dụng rộng rãi trong giao tiếp quốc tế, kinh doanh và khoa học. Hãy chăm chỉ học tiếng Anh để mở rộng cánh cửa đến với thế giới!

Nguồn :

Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

Tâm sự lớp 10

Lớp 10 - Năm đầu tiên ở cấp trung học phổ thông, chúng ta sẽ có nhiều bạn bè mới đến từ những nơi khác nhau. Ngôi trường mới, xa nhà hơn, mở ra một thế giới mới với nhiều điều thú vị. Hãy mở lòng đón nhận và tận hưởng những trải nghiệm mới!

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