Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 Every day, Jack (wake) _____wakes_____ up early in the morning and (get) __________ ready for school. He usually (eat) __________...
Câu hỏi :

Every day, Jack (wake) _____wakes_____ up early in the morning and (get) __________ ready for school. He usually (eat) __________ breakfast with his family and then (take) __________ the bus to school. Jack (love) __________ school because he (enjoy) __________ learning new things and playing with his friends. He often (talk) __________ about his favorite subjects, which (be) __________ science and math. Yesterday, Jack (have) __________ a great day at school. He (learn) __________ about planets in science class and (do) __________ a fun experiment. His teacher, Mrs. Smith, (show) __________ the class how to make a model of the solar system. Jack (be) __________ very excited because he (have) __________ always loved space. After school, Jack (go) __________ to the park with his friends. They (play) __________ soccer and (have) __________ a lot of fun. When he (get) __________ home, he (be) __________ tired but happy. His mom (make) __________ spaghetti for dinner, and they all (eat) __________ together. Jack is going to visit his grandparents next weekend. They (live) __________ in a small town near the mountains, and Jack (look) __________ forward to spending time there. He is going to help his grandfather in the garden and (explore) __________ the nearby woods. Jack’s grandfather always (tell) __________ him stories about when he was young, and Jack (think) __________ those stories are very interesting. He is also planning to (build) __________ a birdhouse with his grandfather. Right now, Jack (read) __________ a book about dinosaurs. He (enjoy) __________ it very much and often (talk) __________ about it with his friends at school. They (discuss) __________ the different types of dinosaurs and what they (look) __________ like. Jack’s teacher has also (notice) __________ how much he (enjoy) __________ this topic and has encouraged him to (write) __________ a short report on dinosaurs. Jack is excited about this project and (start) __________ researching. In the future, Jack will continue to study hard and (follow) __________ his dreams. He wants to (become) __________ a scientist one day and (discover) __________ new things about space and dinosaurs. He (believe) __________ that with hard work and dedication, he can achieve his goals. Jack has already (learn) __________ a lot from his school and his experiences, and he is looking forward to (learn) __________ even more. So far, Jack (achieve) __________ many things. He has received good grades in school, (make) __________ many friends, and (enjoy) __________ lots of adventures. Every day, he (try) __________ his best to be a good student and a good friend. He (know) __________ that by working hard and staying curious, he can make his dreams come true. Jack’s story (be) __________ a great example of how enthusiasm and hard work can lead to success. He has shown that with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, anything is possible. As Jack continues to grow and (explore) __________ the world around him, he will keep making wonderful memories and (achieve) __________ his goals.

Lời giải 1 :

`=>` Every day, Jack wakes up early in the morning and gets ready for school. He usually eats breakfast with his family and then takes the bus to school. Jack loves school because he enjoys learning new things and playing with his friends. He often talks about his favorite subjects, which are science and math. Yesterday, Jack had a great day at school. He learned about planets in science class and did a fun experiment. His teacher, Mrs. Smith, showed the class how to make a model of the solar system. Jack was very excited because he had always loved space. After school, Jack went to the park with his friends. They played soccer and had a lot of fun. When he got home, he was tired but happy. His mom made spaghetti for dinner, and they all ate together. Jack is going to visit his grandparents next weekend. They live in a small town near the mountains, and Jack looks forward to spending time there. He is going to help his grandfather in the garden and explore the nearby woods. Jack’s grandfather always tells him stories about when he was young, and Jack thinks those stories are very interesting. He is also planning to build a birdhouse with his grandfather. Right now, Jack is reading a book about dinosaurs. He enjoys it very much and often talks about it with his friends at school. They discuss the different types of dinosaurs and what they looked like. Jack’s teacher has also noticed how much he enjoys this topic and has encouraged him to write a short report on dinosaurs. Jack is excited about this project and is starting to research. In the future, Jack will continue to study hard and follow his dreams. He wants to become a scientist one day and discover new things about space and dinosaurs. He believes that with hard work and dedication, he can achieve his goals. Jack has already learned a lot from his school and his experiences, and he is looking forward to learning even more. So far, Jack has achieved many things. He has received good grades in school, made many friends, and enjoyed lots of adventures. Every day, he tries his best to be a good student and a good friend. He knows that by working hard and staying curious, he can make his dreams come true. Jack’s story is a great example of how enthusiasm and hard work can lead to success. He has shown that with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, anything is possible. As Jack continues to grow and explores the world around him, he will keep making wonderful memories and achieving his goals.

`@` Dịch ra tiếng Việt:

`=>` Mỗi ngày, Jack thức dậy sớm vào buổi sáng và chuẩn bị đến trường. Cậu bé thường ăn sáng cùng gia đình và sau đó đi xe buýt đến trường. Jack thích trường học vì cậu bé thích học những điều mới mẻ và chơi với bạn bè. Cậu bé thường nói về các môn học yêu thích của mình, đó là khoa học và toán học. Hôm qua, Jack đã có một ngày tuyệt vời ở trường. Cậu bé đã học về các hành tinh trong lớp khoa học và làm một thí nghiệm thú vị. Cô giáo của cậu bé, cô Smith, đã chỉ cho lớp cách làm mô hình hệ mặt trời. Jack rất hào hứng vì cậu bé luôn yêu thích không gian. Sau giờ học, Jack đã đi công viên với bạn bè. Họ chơi bóng đá và rất vui. Khi về nhà, cậu bé mệt nhưng vui. Mẹ cậu bé làm mì spaghetti cho bữa tối và tất cả mọi người cùng ăn. Jack sẽ đến thăm ông bà vào cuối tuần tới. Họ sống ở một thị trấn nhỏ gần núi và Jack rất mong được dành thời gian ở đó. Cậu bé sẽ giúp ông nội làm vườn và khám phá khu rừng gần đó. Ông nội của Jack luôn kể cho cậu bé nghe những câu chuyện về thời thơ ấu của ông và Jack nghĩ những câu chuyện đó rất thú vị. Cậu bé cũng đang có kế hoạch xây một ngôi nhà chim với ông nội của mình. Hiện tại, Jack đang đọc một cuốn sách về khủng long. Cậu bé rất thích và thường nói về nó với bạn bè ở trường. Họ thảo luận về các loại khủng long khác nhau và chúng trông như thế nào. Giáo viên của Jack cũng nhận thấy cậu bé thích chủ đề này đến mức nào và đã khuyến khích cậu bé viết một báo cáo ngắn về khủng long. Jack rất hào hứng với dự án này và đang bắt đầu nghiên cứu. Trong tương lai, Jack sẽ tiếp tục học tập chăm chỉ và theo đuổi ước mơ của mình. Cậu bé muốn trở thành một nhà khoa học một ngày nào đó và khám phá những điều mới mẻ về không gian và khủng long. Cậu bé tin rằng với sự chăm chỉ và cống hiến, cậu có thể đạt được mục tiêu của mình. Jack đã học được rất nhiều điều từ trường học và những trải nghiệm của mình, và cậu bé mong muốn được học nhiều hơn nữa. Cho đến nay, Jack đã đạt được nhiều thành tựu. Cậu bé đã đạt được điểm cao ở trường, kết bạn với nhiều người và tận hưởng nhiều cuộc phiêu lưu. Mỗi ngày, cậu bé đều cố gắng hết sức để trở thành một học sinh giỏi và một người bạn tốt. Cậu bé biết rằng bằng cách làm việc chăm chỉ và luôn tò mò, cậu bé có thể biến ước mơ của mình thành hiện thực. Câu chuyện của Jack là một ví dụ tuyệt vời về cách nhiệt tình và làm việc chăm chỉ có thể dẫn đến thành công. Anh ấy đã chứng minh rằng với thái độ tích cực và mong muốn học hỏi, mọi thứ đều có thể. Khi Jack tiếp tục phát triển và khám phá thế giới xung quanh, anh ấy sẽ tiếp tục tạo ra những kỷ niệm tuyệt vời và đạt được mục tiêu của mình.


`•` Thì hiện tại đơn:

`@` Khẳng định: S + V(s/es) + O

`@` Phủ định: S + do/does + not + V + O

`@` Nghi vấn: Do/Does + S + V + O?

`•` Thì quá khứ đơn:

`@` Khẳng định: S + V2/ed + O

`@` Phủ định: S + did not + V (nguyên mẫu) + O

`@` Nghi vấn: Did + S + V (nguyên mẫu) + O?

`•` Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn:

`@` Khẳng định: S + am/is/are + V-ing

`@` Phủ định: S + am/is/are + not + V-ing

`@` Nghi vấn: Am/Is/Are + S + V-ing?

`•` Thì tương lai gần:

`@` Khẳng định: S + be + going to + V (nguyên thể)

`@` Phủ định: S + be + not + going to + V (nguyên thể)

`@` Nghi vấn: Be + S + going to + V (nguyên thể)?

`•` Cấu trúc "be going to":

`@` Khẳng định: Subject + be + going to + verb (nguyên mẫu)

`@` Phủ định: Subject + be + not + going to + verb (nguyên mẫu)

`@` Nghi vấn: Be + subject + going to + verb (nguyên mẫu)?

`•` Because `->` bởi vì

`•` And `->` và

`•` But `->` nhưng

`•` So `->` vì vậy

`•` When `->` khi

`•` After `->` sau khi

Lời giải 2 :



Every day, Jack wakes up early in the morning and gets ready for school. He usually eats breakfast with his family and then takes the bus to school. Jack loves school because he enjoys learning new things and playing with his friends. He often talks about his favorite subjects, which are science and math. Yesterday, Jack had a great day at school. He learned about planets in science class and did a fun experiment. His teacher, Mrs. Smith, showed the class how to make a model of the solar system. Jack was very excited because he has always loved space. After school, Jack went to the park with his friends. They played soccer and had a lot of fun. When he got home, he was tired but happy. His mom made spaghetti for dinner, and they all ate together. Jack is going to visit his grandparents next weekend. They live in a small town near the mountains, and Jack is looking forward to spending time there. He is going to help his grandfather in the garden and explore the nearby woods. Jack’s grandfather always tells him stories about when he was young, and Jack thinks those stories are very interesting. He is also planning to build a birdhouse with his grandfather. Right now, Jack is reading a book about dinosaurs. He enjoys it very much and often talks about it with his friends at school. They discuss the different types of dinosaurs and what they look like. Jack’s teacher has also noticed how much he enjoys this topic and has encouraged him to write a short report on dinosaurs. Jack is excited about this project and has started researching. In the future, Jack will continue to study hard and follow his dreams. He wants to become a scientist one day and discover new things about space and dinosaurs. He believes that with hard work and dedication, he can achieve his goals. Jack has already learned a lot from his school and his experiences, and he is looking forward to learning even more. So far, Jack has achieved many things. He has received good grades in school, made many friends, and enjoyed lots of adventures. Every day, he tries his best to be a good student and a good friend. He knows that by working hard and staying curious, he can make his dreams come true. Jack’s story is a great example of how enthusiasm and hard work can lead to success. He has shown that with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, anything is possible. As Jack continues to grow and explore the world around him, he will keep making wonderful memories and achieving his goals.


`@` Hiện Tại Đơn:

`@` HTĐ vs tobe;

`_` S + to be + N/Adj

`_`  S + to be + not + N/Adj

`_` To be + S + N/Adj?

`@` HTĐ vs V(thường)

`_` S + V(s/es) + O + …

`_` S + do/does + not + V + O + …

`_`  Do/Does + S + V + O + …?


`@` Qúa Khứ Đơn:

`@` vs tobe:

+) S + was/ were +…

-) S + was/ were + not

?) Was/ Were + S +…?

`_`  Yes, S + was/ were.

`_` No, S + was/ were + not

`->` Dạng V (thường)

+) S + V2/ed + .....

-) S + did not + V (nguyên thể) + ....

?) Did + S + V infinitive

`_` Yes, S + did.

`_` No, S + didn't.


`@` Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành

`+)` S + has/ have + V(cột 3/ ed) +….

`-)` S + has/ have + not + V(ed/cột 3)+…..

`?)` Has/Have + S + V(ed/cột 3) +…..

`_` Yes, S + have/has

`_` No, S + have/has + not

`_` S (số ít) + has

`_` S (số nhiều) + have


`@` Tương lai Đơn:

`_` S + will/shall + V-inf

`_` S + will/shall + not + V-inf

`_` Will/shall + S + V-inf


Bạn có biết?

Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu. Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ phổ biến nhất trên thế giới, được sử dụng rộng rãi trong giao tiếp quốc tế, kinh doanh và khoa học. Hãy chăm chỉ học tiếng Anh để mở rộng cánh cửa đến với thế giới!

Nguồn :

Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

Tâm sự lớp 7

Lớp 7 - Năm thứ hai ở cấp trung học cơ sở, một chuỗi quay mới lại đến và chúng ta vẫn bước tiếp trên con đường học sinh. Học tập vẫn là nhiệm vụ chính, hãy luôn kiên trì và không ngừng cố gắng!

Nguồn :

sưu tập

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