Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 1.    “Will you go to Ha Noi next month?” I asked them. I asked ……………………………………………………………………… 2.    “Is there any information...
Câu hỏi :

1.    “Will you go to Ha Noi next month?” I asked them.
I asked ………………………………………………………………………
2.    “Is there any information about the flight to Ha Noi” I asked Mr. Hoang.
I asked Mr.Hoang ……………………………………………………………
3.    He said "I can fix the pipes.” 
4.    ‘Where are you going next weekend?” An said to Hanh.
An asked……….
5.    “Is the Golden Gate Bridge in san Francisco?” Hoa said to Tim.
Hoa asked Tim………….
6.    “Would you like to join me for lunch?” Anna said to Mike.
Anna invited Mike…………..
7.    “We like this place” the tourists said
The tourists said…………
8.    “I will give you my phone number so that you can call me” Jane said to me.
Jane told me……….
9.    “Can you work no Monday?” John said to Susan.
John asked Susan…………
10.    “We are waiting for the school bus,” said the children.
The children said………….
11.    “Don’t throw things away.” Miss Linda said to the students.
Miss Linda asked…………….
12.    “Please send an ambulance to Quang Trung School,” Lan said to the nurse.
Lan asked
13.    “Don’t walk on the glass,” the gardener said to us.
The gardener………. 
14.    “Turn off all the lights when you go out” Hoa said to Tim.
15.    “You should take more exercises, Mr. John” the doctor said.
The doctor…………..
16.    “I sometimes work on Sunday” Huong said.
Huong said…………….
17.    “Do many tourists visit Phong Nha Cave every year, Lan?” Mai asked.
Mai asked Lan……………..

Lời giải 1 :

`1`.I asked them if they would go to Ha Noi next month.

Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu hỏi:

`+)`Yes/no question:S+asked/wanted to know/wondered+if/wether+S+V(lùi thì)

`2`.I asked Mr. Hoang if there was any information about the flight to Ha Noi.

Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu hỏi:

`+)`Yes/no question:S+asked/wanted to know/wondered+if/wether+S+V(lùi thì)

`3`.He said that he could fix the pipes.

Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu kể

`+)`S + said + (that) + S + V(lùi thì)

`4`.An asked Hanh where she was going next weekend.

Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu hỏi:

`+)`Wh-question:S + asked(+O)/wanted to know/wondered + Wh-words + S + V(lùi thì).

`5`.Hoa asked Tim if the Golden Gate Bridge was in San Francisco.

Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu hỏi:

`+)`Yes/no question:S+asked/wanted to know/wondered+if/wether+S+V(lùi thì)

`6`.Anna invited Mike to join her for lunch.

`-`S+ invited sb+ to V/ to+danh từ/danh từ (địa điểm): mời ai đó làm gì hoặc đến đâu

`7`.The tourists said that they liked this place.

Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu kể

`+)`S + said + (that) + S + V(lùi thì)

`8`.Jane told me that she would give me her phone number so that I could call her.

`9`.John asked Susan if she could work on Monday.

`+)`Yes/no question:S+asked/wanted to know/wondered+if/wether+S+V(lùi thì)

`10`.The children said that they were waiting for the school bus.

Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu kể

`+)`S + said + (that) + S + V(lùi thì)

`11`.Miss Linda asked the students not to throw things away.

`-`S + told/asked/requested + O +(not) to-infinitive

`12`.Lan asked the nurse to send an ambulance to Quang Trung School.

`-`S + told/asked/requested + O +(not) to-infinitive

`13`.The gardener told us not to walk on the glass.

`-`S + told/asked/requested + O +(not) to-infinitive

`14`.Hoa told Tim to turn off all the lights when he went out.

`-`S + told/asked/requested + O +(not) to-infinitive

`15`.The doctor advised Mr. John to take more exercise.

`16`.Huong said that she sometimes worked on Sundays.

Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu kể

`+)`S + said + (that) + S + V(lùi thì)

`17`.Mai asked Lan if many tourists visited Phong Nha Cave every year.

`+)`Yes/no question:S+asked/wanted to know/wondered+if/wether+S+V(lùi thì)


Lời giải 2 :

`1` I asked them if they would go to Ha Noi next month. .

`2` I asked Mr. Hoang if there was any information about the flight to Ha Noi .

`3` He said that he could fix the pipes .

`4` An asked Hanh where she was going the following weekend .

`5` Hoa asked Tim if the Golden Gate Bridge was in San Francisco .

`6` Anna invited Mike to join her for lunch .

`7` The tourists said that they liked that place .

`8` Jane told me that she would give me her phone number so that I could call her .

`9` John asked Susan if she could work on Monday .

`10` The children said that they were waiting for the school bus .

`11` Miss Linda asked the students not to throw things away .

`12` Lan asked the nurse to send an ambulance to Quang Trung School .

`13` The gardener told us not to walk on the glass .

`14` Hoa asked Tim to turn off all the lights when he went out .

`15` The doctor advised Mr. John to take more exercise .

`16` Huong said that she sometimes worked on Sunday .

`17` Mai asked Lan if many tourists visited Phong Nha Cave every year .

 $\text{---Câu Gián Tiếp Trong Tiếng Anh---}$

`1` Gián tiếp tường thuật .

`@` S + said/told + O + that + S + V(lùi thì) + O .

`2` Gián tiếp sai khiến .

`@` S + asked/told + O + to V + O .

`3` Gián tiếp câu trả lời ''Yes/No'' .

`@` S + asked/wondered/wanted to know/... + if/whether + S + V(lùi thì) + O .

`4` Gián tiếp câu hỏi ''Wh-question'' .

`@` S + asked/wondered/wanted to know/... + Wh-question + S + V(lùi thì) + O .

Bạn có biết?

Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu. Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ phổ biến nhất trên thế giới, được sử dụng rộng rãi trong giao tiếp quốc tế, kinh doanh và khoa học. Hãy chăm chỉ học tiếng Anh để mở rộng cánh cửa đến với thế giới!

Nguồn :

Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

Tâm sự lớp 9

Lớp 9 - Là năm cuối ở cấp trung học cơ sở, chúng ta sắp phải bước vào một kỳ thi căng thẳng và sắp chia tay bạn bè, thầy cô. Áp lực từ kỳ vọng của phụ huynh và tương lai lên cấp 3 thật là lớn, nhưng hãy tin vào bản thân và giữ vững sự tự tin!

Nguồn :

sưu tập

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