Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 Ex 3. Read and answer Hi, Im Tiny. I and my friends go to the park. Kate plays soccer with...
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Ex 3. Read and answer

Hi, Im Tiny. I and my friends go to the park. Kate plays soccer with Tim. I and My fly kites. Billy rides his bike. Jane and Lucy jump rope. Were happy. Then we eat snacks and drinks water.

1. Where are the Tony and his friend?

2. What does Kate do?

3. Can My fly a kite?

4. What do Jane and Lucy do?

5. Do they eat and drink at the park?

Ex 4. Complete and answer

Im ? at the library. What do you dip in your ? time?

I take ? and paint the picture.

Ex 5. Answer

1. Does your mother like exercising? (X)

2. Do you like doing gymnastics? (V)

3. Does Jane like playing the guitar

4. Do you like practicing yoga? (X)

5. Does Billy like taking photos? (X)

Ex 6. Correct mistakes

1. What does he likes doing?

2. Does he like take photos?

3. Sally like going swimming.

4. Yes, she doesnt.

Ex 7. About you

1. Do you want to play tag?

2. Does your father want to go fishing?

3. Does your sister want to go shopping?

4. Does your brother want to play basketball?

5. Do you want to go watch a movie?

Ex 8. Answer about you

1. Would you like to play badminton or play soccer?

2. Would you like to go camping or go fishing?

3. Would you like to do a puzzle or make a poster?

4. Would you like to take photos or play the guitar?

Ex 9. Choose and write

peacock goat cow elephant tiger giraffe duck

animals on farm:

animals at zoo:

Ex 10. Complete

1. The lion has ? teeth.

2. The parrot has a ? beak.

3. The parrot has ? feathers.

Ex 11. Answer

Yes, it does.

No, it doesnt

1. Does a lion have a hard beak?

2. Does a hippo have a big mouth?

3. Does a swan have colorful feathers?

4. Does a parrot have sharp claws?

5. Does a horse have a long mane?

Ex 12. Complete sentences using has / doesnt have

1. The hippo ? big teeth but ? a hard beak.

2. The duck ? swings but it ? big ears.

3. The peacock ? a hard beak but it ? big teeth

4. The tiger ? sharp claws but I ? colorful feathers.

5. The dog ? sharp teeth but it ? a hard beak.

Ex 13. Answer

1. What does a cat look like?

2. What does a crocodile look like?

3. What does a bird look like?

Ex 14. Choose and complete

snake elephant buffalo tiger goat cat

1. A ? has two horns.

2. A ? has a long tail.

3. A ? has a short tail

Ex 15. About you

1. What animal do you like?

2. Why do you like it?

3. What animal dont you like?

Why dont you like it?

Ex 16. Answer

1. Whats the national of England?

2. Whats the national of Australia?

3. Whats the national of Vietnam?

4. Whats the national of United States?

Ex 17. Complete

A lion is a kind of ? Its big. It has a long ?, sharp claws, and big ? It can ? but it ? swim.

A peacock is a kind of ? It has colorful feathers, big wings, and a hard beak. It eats ? and animals. It can ?

Ex 18. About you

1. Where were you yesterday?

2. Where were your sister yesterday?

3. Where was your mother yesterday?

4. Where was your father yesterday?

Ex 19. Choose and write

excited, museum, market, sad, library, concert, hungry, bored, stadium, relaxed



Ex 20: Complete and answer

Tom: ? you at school yesterday?

Bella: No, I wasnt at school because it ? Sunday.

Tom: Where were you?

Bella: I was at home. I ? sad

Tom: Where ? your parents?

Bella: My mother was at the hair ? and my father was at the gym. Where were you yesterday?

Tom: I was at the park with my cousin m, Tina. We were happy.

1. Where was Bella yesterday?

2. Was Bella sad?

3. Where was her mother?

4. Where was her father?

5. Was Tim at the zoo?

6. Whats Toms cousins name?


Ex 3. Read and answer Hi, Im Tiny. I and my friends go to the park. Kate plays soccer with Tim. I and My fly kites. Billy rides his bike. Jane and Luc

Lời giải 1 :

đáp án + bước giải: Ex 2:Answer


Lời giải 2 :

1.They are at the park

2. He plays soccer with Tim.

3.Yes, she can

4. They jump rope

5. Yes, they do

ex 4

im ... at the libray. What do u dip in your break?? time.

i take ... and painr the picture ( xl k bt:<)


1 (x)

2 (v)

3 (x)


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Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu. Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ phổ biến nhất trên thế giới, được sử dụng rộng rãi trong giao tiếp quốc tế, kinh doanh và khoa học. Hãy chăm chỉ học tiếng Anh để mở rộng cánh cửa đến với thế giới!

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