Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Ex 17. Circle A. B. C. or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. 1....
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Ex 17. Circle A. B. C. or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. 1. Maria : Mom, I finally won the music contest. Mother : ... A.Its a usual thing B. You must be better next time C. Im proud of you D. Do your best! 2. Budi : Sir, I have got an A for my English composition. Teacher : ......... you deserve it. A. Well-done! B. What a pity! C. Pardon me? D. Oh really? 3. Laura and Mary are talking about Marys room. Laura: What a lovely room you have! Mary: ___________ A. Of course not, Its not costly C. No problem B. Thank you. Hope you will drop in. D. Thanks. I think so 4. Giang: Youre really an excellent student, Hồng. Hồng: _________. Im still very bad. I think I have to try my best to keep pace with you, Giang. A. Certainly B. You must be kidding C. Sure D. Youre welcome 5. Hạnh: I dont know what tailors that can make such a beautiful dress for you, Hiền! Hiền: _________, Hạnh. Ive finally found a style that suits me so much. A. Never mind B. Go to the canteen with me C. Im glad you like it D. Nice to see you 6. Thành: I really enjoy your public speaking skills, Nga. Your English is really good, too. Nga: _________, Thành. Thank you very much for your sincere compliment. You made me try much harder. A. Its very kind of you to say so B. Thats not your work C. Im certainly very famous for those things D. Yes, of course. Its me! 7. Peter: Your hair is terrific, Cindy! - Cindy: _______. A. No way B. Its kind of you to say so C. By all means D. Just a minute 8. Lina : Your handwriting is clear and beautiful, Edo. Edo : ____________ A. Excuse me B. Thanks C. Sorry D. Yes, please 9. Mira : What a great performance, Ana! Ana : ________________, Mira A. Thanks for your appreciation B. Nice job C. You are great D. Is that yours? 10. Sita : Well done on getting that contract! A. Thanks, but it wasnt all my work. B. Thanks, but it was all my work. C. Thanks for asking. D. I cant believe that. 11. Flo : Hi, Jay! Your new shoes are lovely. Jay : Really? .. A. I know. I like it too. B. Its just too much. C. They're handmade. Thanks. D. But I dont like it. 12. Irma : Thank you for coming to my birthday party. Julia : Youre welcome. I like this. Irma : Thank you. Please enjoy it. A. Dont worry. B. Your party is lame. C. I will go. D. Your party is interesting. 13. Mr Rohmad : I heard that youve passed your exams. __________, Didi! Didi : Thank you very much, Sir. A. Wish me luck B. Well done C. Im sorry to hear that D. Thank you 14. Indri: Hi, Ajeng. I heard that your daughter scores the highest grades in the class. Ajeng: Yes, she does. Indri: ..................................... Ajeng: Thanks. Indri: You must be very proud of her. Ajeng: Of course, I am. A. You did a great job! B. I know you did it well. C. How clever you are. D. What an outstanding student she is. 15. Kim : Manager, is there something wrong with my work? Manager : None. Kim : Thank you. A. You do it well. B. You are fired C. Hurry up! D. Your work is all wrong. 16. I got 8.0 for the ielts, Mom. B: _________ A. Good for you. Thank you. B. Im glad you say so. C. Well done, son! Im very proud of you. D. You can do it. 17. You have done a really good job. B: ________ A. Thanks. How nice of you to say so. B. Thank you. You really deserve it. C. Thanks. Im proud of you. D. Thank you. Its going to be alright. 18. What if I fail the exam tomorrow? B: ________ A. Its OK. Thanks. B. Be confident. C. Not at all. You can make it. D. You can do it. Thanks anyway. 19. Shes accepted my proposal. B: ________ A. Wow! Congratulations. B. Thanks, but dont worry. C. What a nice girl! D. My pleasure. 20. Mr Rohmad: I heard that you passed your exams. , Didi! Didi: Thank you very much, Sir. A. Well done B. Im sorry to hear that C. Thank you D. wish me luck A. Your performance is great B. Thats a nice pair of shoes you have on! 21. Ardo : I must compliment you on your basketball game. You played well, David David : _________________ The opponents play great too. Ardo : I know. But you are in your best performance. David : I tried to do my best. A. I feel so awful B. Thanks a lot C. Congratulations D. I am afraid 22. Joe : You look very happy, Matt. Whats happening? Matt : Guess what? I got the first place in story telling competition. Joe : . . . . Congratulations on your achievement. A. I dont believe it. B. What happened C. Thats too bad D. Fantastic!

Lời giải 1 :


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Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu. Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ phổ biến nhất trên thế giới, được sử dụng rộng rãi trong giao tiếp quốc tế, kinh doanh và khoa học. Hãy chăm chỉ học tiếng Anh để mở rộng cánh cửa đến với thế giới!

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Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

Tâm sự lớp 10

Lớp 10 - Năm đầu tiên ở cấp trung học phổ thông, chúng ta sẽ có nhiều bạn bè mới đến từ những nơi khác nhau. Ngôi trường mới, xa nhà hơn, mở ra một thế giới mới với nhiều điều thú vị. Hãy mở lòng đón nhận và tận hưởng những trải nghiệm mới!

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