Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 Thuyết trình NGẮN về cơm lam bằng tiếng anh câu hỏi 6552875
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Thuyết trình NGẮN về cơm lam bằng tiếng anh

Lời giải 1 :

Cuisine is a cultural beauty, a typical product created by human hands and minds. The Muong people in Thanh Son, know how to live with nature, the dishes are simple and rustic but always in harmony and associated with nature as well as the gentle and kind nature of the Muong people. Up to now, those cultural values ​​are still preserved and promoted by the people. One of the typical dishes to mention is lam rice.

Previously, the Muong people mainly grew sticky rice. According to the elders in Muong village, ancient Muong people often had to go to the forest and fields early in the morning to find food, and even had to sleep in the forest. Therefore, the people invented using bamboo tubes, then putting rice inside, grilling over the fire, and cooking it into rice called lam rice. Later, preparing this dish became a habit and was loved by the Muong people. Lam rice has been affirming its position for many generations in measuring the traditional cultural values ​​of the people.

To make delicious bamboo-tube rice that has its ethnic mark, the Muong people are often very picky and careful in choosing ingredients. First, choose a container that is a thin bamboo tube about 20-30cm long, not too big, not too small, not too thick, and not too thin. Because if it's too thick, it will take a long time to bake and peeling will take a lot of effort, and if it's too thin, it will easily burn. The special thing about bamboo is that it is still a young tree. People take the water from each node of the bamboo tube to cook rice. Muong people believe that it is the remaining essence of heaven and earth. The fresh green bamboo tube helps keep the fire from getting into the rice and the resin in the shell will penetrate deeply into the rice, giving the rice a sweet taste and natural scent.

Next is choosing rice, people choose fragrant, sticky upland rice from the highlands. Before being "laminated", the rice will be soaked for about 2-3 hours, then washed, sprinkled with a little salt, mixed well, and then poured into a bamboo tube that already has water in it. When pouring rice, do not compress it tightly but leave it 5cm away from the mouth of the tube so that when the rice expands, it will fit tightly into the mouth of the tube. If you see that the bamboo tube has a little water, you can add more water to cover the surface of the rice. Muong people often collect water from hills and streams to create a cool, sweet taste. Then, plug the mouth of the tube with a dong or banana leaf.

Build a fire to set up the tubes around the kitchen. You can grill the bamboo tube with charcoal, bamboo charcoal, or straw for about an hour. When the rice bubbles, occasionally lift it out and firmly press the tube to the ground so that the rice will pile to the bottom to make the rice grains firm. When the water is shallow, place the tube horizontally and roast evenly. Use your finger to press and see that the rice is soft and has a fragrant aroma, which means the rice is cooked.

Use a knife to peel off the burned outer shell. Waiting for it to cool completely, peeling off the remaining layer will reveal the rice layer still covered by the ivoiv-white silk shell of the bamboo intestine, giving the bamboo rice a pure color. People cut each tube into moderately short pieces. When eating, just peel off the white outer layer of bamboo. Lam rice is often served on the trays of compatriots along with dishes such as chicken, grilled wild boar, and grilled fish, but the best dish is still dipped with sesame salt.

Nowadays, Muong people also create lam rice dishes with many rich colors: blue, red, purple, and yellow, which look very beautiful. People create natural colors from leaves, tubers, and fruits in the forest: Red is created from the hairy rice plant or gac fruit, green from ginger leaves, purple from camphor leaves, and yellow from old turmeric. , drain the water and soak it in rice. The fragrant sticky taste of sticky rice is covered by a smooth silk shell and the colorful colors of the rice make lam rice look more beautiful, eye-catching, and attractive.

The lives of the Muong Thanh Son people today have changed a lot, but bamboo-tube rice is still a traditional dish that cannot be lost. Lam rice of the Muong people is not only known as a national dish, made by Muong families to welcome guests to their homes, but also made to introduce and display at major fairs and festivals. of province and district. Above all, Lam rice is the convergence of the hearts of the Muong people here, rustic and simple but also very deep and meaningful.



                                         MONG BẠN CHO MÌNH HAY NHẤT

                                       MÌNH NGHĨ THẾ NÀY CŨNG HƠI DÀI                                                         

Lời giải 2 :

Tiếng Anh

It is rice, often glutinous rice, cooked in a tube of bamboo, served with salted roasted sesame, grilled pork or chicken skewers. The bamboo chosen should be fresh and young so that the new membrane inside the tube can wrap the rice, adding it a special flavor, fragrance and sweetness. To prepare the rice, first fill the tube with about 80% of rice and 10 % of water, in favor of water inherent in bamboo, then adding a little coconut water to make the rice more pleasant; wrap the tube with banana leaves and then burn it on fire until it smells pleasant.

When it is done, the singed skin of the bamboo is removed, leaving a thin cover that is also peeled away when you eat. Sniffing the blending fragrance of fresh bamboo, banana leave, and sticky rice as well as experiencing the sweet flavor of rice, bamboo, and coconut, and the greasy saltiness of sesame, or the great taste of grilled wild boar are certain to induce guests to fall in love with “cơm lam”. A tube of “cơm lam” plus fragrant grilled wild boar taken with a sip of “rượu cần” (literally “straw wine”) is enough for you fall in line with nature and people here.
Tiếng Việt

Đó là gạo, thường là gạo nếp, được nấu trong một ống tre, phục vụ với mè rang muối, thịt heo nướng hoặc xiên thịt gà. Loại tre được chọn phải tươi và trẻ để màng mới trong ống có thể bọc gạo, thêm mùi thơm đặc biệt, mùi thơm và vị ngọt. Để chuẩn bị gạo, đầu tiên đổ vào ống với khoảng 80% gạo và 10% nước, có lợi cho nước có trong tre, sau đó thêm một ít dừa nước để làm cho gạo dễ chịu hơn; quấn ống với lá chuối và sau đó đốt cháy nó cho đến khi nó có mùi dễ chịu. Khi nó được thực hiện, da bị cháy của tre được lấy đi, để lại một lớp vỏ mỏng cũng bị bóc vỏ khi bạn ăn. Ngâm mùi hương thơm của tre tươi, chuối và gạo nếp cũng như trải nghiệm hương vị ngọt ngào của gạo, tre, dừa, mặn của dầu mè, hoặc hương vị tuyệt vời của heo rừng hoang dã chắc chắn sẽ khiến khách hàng rơi vào tình yêu với "cơm lam". Một chiếc "cơm lam" cùng với heo rừng nướng thơm ngan với một ngụm rượu "rượu cần" (nghĩa là "rơm rạ") đủ cho bạn rơi vào tình trạng thiên nhiên và con người ở đây.

Bạn có biết?

Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu. Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ phổ biến nhất trên thế giới, được sử dụng rộng rãi trong giao tiếp quốc tế, kinh doanh và khoa học. Hãy chăm chỉ học tiếng Anh để mở rộng cánh cửa đến với thế giới!

Nguồn :

Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

Tâm sự lớp 5

Lớp 5 - Là năm cuối cấp tiểu học, áp lực thi cử nhiều và chúng ta sắp phải xa trường lớp, thầy cô, bạn bè thân quen. Đây là năm mà chúng ta sẽ gặp nhiều khó khăn, nhưng hãy tin rằng mọi chuyện sẽ tốt đẹp. Hãy tự tin và luôn cố gắng hết mình!

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