Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 Ready to write 4 Write a newspaper article about the sea rescue. Remember to include a headline. New York Metro
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Ready to write 4 Write a newspaper article about the sea rescue. Remember to include a headline. New York Metro

Lời giải 1 :

In 2005, graduated from Maritime College I (Hai Phong), majoring in ship control, Mr. Tran Van Khoi received a job at the Maritime Search and Rescue Center Zone 2 (headquartered in Da Nang). . For more than 15 years, Mr. Khoi has been involved in driving hundreds of trains through storms and dangerous storms to rescue victims in the Central region and Hoang Sa archipelago. In particular, the rescue of the victims of the Vietship on October 1, 2020 was an unforgettable trip when he was not properly trained, the vehicle was only a wooden boat and a canoe, but he decisively jumped into the flood water. waves higher than 5m to save the crew members who are not relatives.
Explaining this action, Mr. Khoi said that not only himself, but many border guards, police, military, fishermen in Cua Viet (Quang Tri) will also do the same. Because, "It's human love", Mr. Khoi said.

Back on 8-10-2020, Quang Tri sea had heavy rain, 5m high waves, combined with the fast flow of flood water pouring into Cua Viet, causing the Vietship 01 cargo ship anchored at Cua Viet port to be washed away by flood water, stranded about 400m from the shore. Vietship 01 ship gradually sank, leaving only the cabin, chimney and iron truss behind the ship floating on the water. 12 crew members clinging to the cabin and the iron truss for help in the midst of cold weather, big waves, wind and heavy rain. No one dared to jump into the rushing water to swim to shore.

Mr. Khoi and officers of the Center for Coordination of Maritime Search and Rescue Area 2 received orders to leave. Setting foot on Cua Viet beach, in front of them are the waves that are too high for their heads, the water is red, on the stranded ship faintly raised arms. At this time, almost no force could approach the Vietship 01 due to the large waves, strong currents and strong winds. The ship is in danger of capsizing or sinking.

At about 10 o'clock on October 9, Mr. Khoi was on guard from the shore when he discovered that a crew member of the Vietship 01 had jumped into the sea, pushed away by the waves, and drifted aimlessly. Without thinking twice, he immediately put on a life jacket, tied a rope to his body and rushed to the sea. Dozens of people including Border Guard officers, port officials and fishermen stood at the water's edge, holding onto the rope that tied Khoi's body. Mr. Khoi selected each wave to swim out, about 40 to 50m, when he met the crew member who was drifting and exhausted. The people standing at the shore to help immediately pulled the rope, bringing both to safety. On the morning of October 10, Mr. Khoi once again rushed to the sea when he witnessed a similar situation and brought another crew member to shore.

At noon on October 10, Mr. Khoi "begged" to board a fishing boat to rescue the stranded people. 3 other experienced fishermen agreed to go with them, but their wives and children cried bitterly because they did not want to live as "widows and orphans". Mr. Khoi went to meet the fishermen's wives. "I don't remember how convinced I was at that time, but the sisters agreed to let their husbands save lives," he said. The fishing boat was stopped by the high waves, unable to reach the protruding part of the hull of the Vietship 01. At this time, 2 fishermen (previously, 4 fishermen used their fishing boats to approach the Vietship 01 but were sunk by the waves, 3 fishermen drifted, clinging to the Vietship 01) stuck on the ship and jumped into the sea, trying to swim to the fishing boat. Observing the situation, Mr. Khoi quickly threw the rope and lifebuoy and signaled for them to cling. The 4 people on the ship tried their best to pull 2 fishermen out of the waves and safely return to shore.

By late afternoon, a specialized lifeboat was brought to the scene. Although after three previous rescues, he was "well aware of the danger due to the fast current, approaching by boat is impossible", but Mr. Khoi still wants to try his luck again. He and 3 colleagues carefully prepared life-saving equipment and rescue equipment and advised each other, "You must be calm to handle unexpected situations".

The boat rushed out among the meter-high waves as if it wanted to sink the lifeboat. The boat unfortunately got stuck in the cable of the Vietship 01 ship and stalled. In the sea, people talk like shouting in the face to hear clearly to push the boat out of the cable, avoiding the consecutive boss waves to sink. Free from the cable, the boat drifted again to the area with many reefs. Khoi and his colleagues both avoided the waves and rushed to fix the machine to move. The time was urgent and realizing that the approach and rescue by boats and ships was not effective, after that, the rescue force sent helicopters to rescue the remaining crew members.

Leaving Cua Viet beach, Mr. Khoi and his colleagues returned to life "more at the ship than at home", ready to go to sea at any time when there was a call from the fishermen. Mr. Khoi and others gradually forgot about the work at Cua Viet until he heard that the International Maritime Organization (IMO) had awarded the "IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea" award. Not only Mr. Khoi but everyone is happy because this is one of the most important awards in 2021 of IMO and for the first time, a Vietnamese person has been awarded this award.

Bạn có biết?

Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu. Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ phổ biến nhất trên thế giới, được sử dụng rộng rãi trong giao tiếp quốc tế, kinh doanh và khoa học. Hãy chăm chỉ học tiếng Anh để mở rộng cánh cửa đến với thế giới!

Nguồn :

Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

Tâm sự lớp 4

Lớp 4 - Năm thứ tư ở cấp tiểu học, kiến thức ngày một tăng và chúng ta sắp đến năm cuối cấp. Hãy chú trọng hơn đến học tập, đặt mục tiêu rõ ràng và không ngừng nỗ lực để đạt được!

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