Trang chủ Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 Exercise 1. Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative. 1. My brother always makes Saturday dinner. 2. Tom eats...
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Giúpppppppppppppp emm


Exercise 1. Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative. 1. My brother always makes Saturday dinner. 2. Tom eats eggs; 3.They make her i

Lời giải 1 :



`(-)` My brother doesn't always make Saturday dinner.

`(?)` Does your brother always make Saturday dinner?


`(-)` Tom doesn't eat eggs.

`(?)` Does Tom eat eggs?


`(-)` They don't make her ill.

`(?)` Do they make her ill?


`(-)` I don't smoke.

`(?)` Do you smoke?


`(-)` Mark doesn't go to school every day.

`(?)` Does Mark go to school every day?


`(-)` Your parents don't like your boyfriend.

`(?)` Do your parents like your boyfriend?


`(-)` Ann doesn't usually have lunch.

`(?)` Does Ann usually have lunch?


`(-)` We don't hang out once a week.

`(?)` Do you hang out once a week?


`(-)` She doesn't know lots of people.

`(?)` Does she know lots of people?


`(-)` We don't want any more.

`(?)` Do you want any more?


`(-)` My friend isn't finding life in Paris a bit difficult.

`(?)` Is your friend finding life in Paris a bit difficult?


`(-)` He doesn't speak French.

`(?)` Does he speak French?


`(-)` Most students don't live quite close to the college.

`(?)` Do most students live quite close to the college.


`(-)` I don't love animals.

`(?)` Do you love animals?


`(-)` He doesn't eat breakfast.

`(?)` Does he eat breakfast?


`(-)` You don't look very happy.

`(?)` Do you look very happy?


`(-)` It doesn't work.

`(?)` Does it work?


`(-)` I don't hate telephone answering machines.

`(?)` Do you hate telephone answering machines?


`(-)` Matthew isn't good at basketball.

`(?)` Is Matthew good at basketball?


`(-)` He doesn't win every game.

`(?)` Does he win every game?


`(-)` We don't always travel by bus.

`(?)` Do you always travel by bus?


$\text{*Structure: Present Continuous}$ (thì Hiện tại tiếp diễn)

$\text{(+) S + am/is/are + V-ing + ...}$

$\text{(-) S + am/is/are not + V-ing + ...}$

$\text{(?) Am/is/are + S + V-ing + ...?}$

`-` Ngôi thứ `3` số ít: he/she/it/danh từ số ít `->` tobe là is

`-` Ngôi thứ `1 số nhiều, 2, 3 số nhiều`: we/you/they/danh từ số nhiều `->` tobe là are

`-` Ngôi thứ `1` số ít: `I` `->` tobe là am

`DHNB:` at the moment, at present, now,...


$\text{*Structure: Present Simple}$ (thì Hiện tại đơn)

`-` Đối với động từ thường:

$\text{(+) S + V-(s/es) + ...}$

$\text{(-) S + do/does not + V-bare + ...}$

$\text{(?) Do/Does + S + V-bare + ...?}$

`-` Ngôi thứ `3` số ít: he/she/it/tên riêng/ danh từ số ít`->` V-s/es và trợ đt là Does

`-` Ngôi thứ `1;2;3 số nhiều`: I/you/we/they/danh từ số nhiều `->` V-bare và trợ đt là Do

`-` Đối với tobe:

$\text{(+) S + am/is/are + ...}$

$\text{(-) S + am/is/are not + ...}$

$\text{(?) Am/is/are + S + ...?}$

`-` Ngôi thứ `3` số ít: he/she/it/danh từ số ít `->` tobe là is

`-` Ngôi thứ `1 số nhiều, 2, 3 số nhiều`: we/you/they/danh từ số nhiều `->` tobe là are

`-` Ngôi thứ `1` số ít: `I` `->` tobe là am

`DHNB:` every day, every week, in the morning, always, usually,....

Lời giải 2 :

Công thức thì HTĐ (V: tobe)

(+) S + am/is/are ..

(-) S + am/is/are + not .. 

(?) Am/Is/Are + S + ... ? 

I + am

S số ít, he, she, it + is

S số nhiều, you ,we, they + are

Công thức thì HTĐ (V: thường)

S số ít, he, she, it 

(+) S + Vs/es

(-) S+ doesn't + V1 

(?) Does +S +V1?

S số nhiều, I, you, we, they

(+) S + V1 

(-) S+ don't + V1 

(?) Do + S+ V1? 

DHNB: always, usually, sometimes, often, never, seldom,....

Công thức thì HTTD 

(+) S + am/is/are + Ving 

(-) S + am/is/are + not + Ving 

(?) Am/Is/Are +S +Ving? 

DHNB: now, right now, (!), at present, at the moment,.....



(-) My brother doesn't always make Saturday dinner.

(?) Does your brother always make Saturday dinner?


(-) Tom doesn't eat eggs.

(?) Does Tom eat eggs?


(-) They don't make her ill.

(?) Do they make her ill?


(-) I don't smoke.

(?) Do you smoke?


(-) Your parents don't like your boyfriend?

(?) Do your parents like your boyfriend?


(-) Ann doesn't usually have lunch.

(?) Does Ann usually have lunch?


(-) We don't hang out once a week.

(?) Do you hang out once a week?


(-) She doesn't know lots of people.

(?) Does she know lots of people?


(-) We don't want any more.

(?) Do you want any more?


(-) My friend isn't finding life in Paris a bit difficult.

(?) Is your friend finding life in Paris a bit difficult?


(-) He doesn't speak French.

(?) Does he speak French?


(-) Most students don't live quite close to the college.

(?) Do most students live quite close to the college?


(-) I don't love animals.

(?) Do you love animals?


(-) He doesn't eat breakfast.

(?) Does he eat breakfast?


(-) You don't look very happy.

(?) Do you look very happy?


(-) It doesn't work.

(?) Does it work?


(-) I don't hate telephone answering machines.

(?) Do you hate telephone answering machines?


(-) Matthew isn't good at basketball.

(?) Is Matthew good at basketball?


(-) He doesn't win every game.

(?) Does he win every game?


(-) We don't always travel by bus.

(?) Do you always travel by bus?


Bạn có biết?

Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ German Tây, được nói từ thời Trung cổ tại Anh, ngày nay là lingua franca toàn cầu. Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ phổ biến nhất trên thế giới, được sử dụng rộng rãi trong giao tiếp quốc tế, kinh doanh và khoa học. Hãy chăm chỉ học tiếng Anh để mở rộng cánh cửa đến với thế giới!

Nguồn :

Wikipedia - Bách khoa toàn thư

Tâm sự lớp 5

Lớp 5 - Là năm cuối cấp tiểu học, áp lực thi cử nhiều và chúng ta sắp phải xa trường lớp, thầy cô, bạn bè thân quen. Đây là năm mà chúng ta sẽ gặp nhiều khó khăn, nhưng hãy tin rằng mọi chuyện sẽ tốt đẹp. Hãy tự tin và luôn cố gắng hết mình!

Nguồn :

sưu tập

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